Create the Marriage Of Your Dreams
Therapy Helping Individuals and Couples Reconnect



You feel so disconnected.
You remember how things were at the beginning of your relationship.
Every morning, you’d wake up excited and eager to spend time together.
But these days, TikTok and Instagram see more of your partner than you do.
Distrust has formed.
Your once-loving home has slowly turned into a war zone.
Fights barely have a chance to finish before the next one starts, and there’s never any resolution.
It feels like you’re working against each other and can no longer see one another’s perspective.

You’re in pain.
And you don’t know how much more you can take.
You’re wounded, bleeding out, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to stem the tide.
Can’t he see how I’m struggling? Your marriage is unraveling, and you don’t know what to do.
You’ve reached a crossroads.
Stay or go? Keep fighting or just give up? All your tears and angry demands have been ignored.
Walking away feels easier and safer, but deep down, you’re not ready to give up. You want to fight.
But what if it doesn’t work? Nothing else has, and you’re not sure you can take another disappointment.
It feels like it’s all up to you.
Change starts with taking one step forward away from where you are and closer to where you want to be.
One step. Then another. And another. But, sometimes, you wonder, “Why am I the one who has to change?”
But that’s not important. When you change, your relationship shifts, and that’s what matters most.
Take the next step.
Change is scary. There are so many unknowns, and those uncertainties can keep you frozen.
I’ll walk with you and help you clearly define the marriage you want – connected, caring, and safe.
It’s time to take steps that will make your partner sit up and take notice. And I can help!

Hi, I’m Debbie (AKA Master Changemaker).
Bold statement?
Not really.
For over 30 years, I’ve been helping individuals and couples create a roadmap to success.
I’m living proof that this process works. My own journey through a shattered marriage, divorce, and ultimate re-marriage wasn’t easy, but it was so worthwhile.
Together, let’s identify the barriers keeping you from truly connecting. We’ll then give you concrete, actionable steps to remove those barriers and steadily move you toward your dream relationship.
If, along the way, your marriage doesn’t survive (because let’s face it – that happens), you still will. And the tools you develop aren’t just for saving your marriage. Once you have them, they’re yours to use whenever healing, forgiveness, and restoration are needed.
I’ll be with you every step of the way to support, encourage, and guide you.
I’m ready when you are.
Don’t wait any longer to create the life and relationship you deserve.
Call me now, and let’s talk about how therapy can help you and your relationship thrive.
Let’s design the life God wants for you.
Follow the 3 Steps to Transform Your Relationships

Schedule a Clarity Call
Let’s get clear on what you really want, and what’s keeping you from having the relationship you’ve been dreaming of.

Design Your Dream Relationship
Once we do that, we’ll map out a customized plan for how to get you where you want your relationship to be.

Pick Your Plan
We’ll create your custom plan around your expectations AND your budget. And don’t worry, we’ve got lots of freebies.
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